Regional Employment Guide: Central, Southern and Eastern Europe
We are proud to announce that BOPA and ADRIALA took a part in the initiative of CEE Bird & Bird (Bird & Bird Czech Republic & Slovakia, Bird & Bird Poland, Bird & Bird Hungary), together with Stratulat Albulescu Attorneys at Law from Romania, Potamitis Vekris from Greece, and BTS & Partners from Turkey, in the preparation of the “Regional Employment Guide”.

"We are happy to be able to work with our colleagues across all these jurisdictions and we did our best to provide a transparent overview of the practical employment issues. We have summarised major employment issues in what we hope would be a simple, client-friendly guide that can serve as an initial point of reference for any legal department. We sincerely hope you will enjoy reading it." said Managing Partner Vladimir Bojanovic.
You can find the Regional Employment Guide here.
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